melanated skin texture. skin on the hand

Why Prioritize The Needs of Melanin-Rich Skin?

If you've wondered, why create a body care line that priorities melanated skin? What makes melanated skin so unique? You've come to the right place. 

Here are a few of the characteristics that are unique to people with melanin-rich skin:

Melanocytes, the skin cells that give our skin its unique hue, are larger and more likely to be triggered in skin of color. This trigger is an inflammatory response that looks different for everybody. A common response being PIH, Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation. PIH doesn’t take much effort, something as superficial as a bug bite, or as traumatic as surgery can cause skin of color over produce melanin resulting in dark marks or visible uneven skin tone.

Another characteristic of melanin-rich skin is skin dryness.

40-50% of the skins composition is ceramides aka fats (the rest being cholesterol and fatty acids). These ceramides hold water to the skin and are a part of the skin's barrier function. We often see lower levels of ceramides in skin of color. This cascades into an issue of dry skin. Which explains why we also see higher rates of Transepidermal Water Loss  and eczema in melanin-rich skin.

(T.E.W.L., is a measure of the rate of evaporation through the skin)

Now, put all of that together with the obvious fact that when we are ashy you can see it! It's safe to say that it only makes sense to have products that address not only the hyperpigmentation, but also has moisturizing properties that calm the skin and fight free radicals.

At BLK LABEL SOCIETY, we strive to highlight that there is beauty in creating space for products that cater to our needs.

More skincare education to come in upcoming posts.



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